Chocolate Chip Cheering Squads

I love running. I also love chocolate chip cookies.

How are the two related? Well, think about a chocolate chip cookie. Many different ingredients go into the mix to make an awesome batter, and then baked for the main deal…the cookie.

Running is not so different.

Many various aspects of training go into the running lifestyle. Just as you can’t have a great chocolate chip cookie missing key ingredients like the flour, eggs, sugar, or chocolate chips. It is difficult to have a great running lifestyle without ingredients like recovery runs, speed work, long runs, and community.

I cherish my daily runs because it is the most normal time of my day. Currently, we are maintaining social distance and following safety precautions and restrictions set in place by COVID-19 concerns. My runs are a time to be free, enjoy the ability to run, and simply revel in being outside.

However, just like a chocolate chip cookie missing the big ingredient… the chocolate chips.  My running is missing a big ingredient…community. As a high school coach, I miss seeing my athletes. As a friend, I miss group runs and the chance to catch up with running friends. As a runner, I miss races and the chance to compete and cheer for others.

Last week I was approaching the end of an easy run and I heard cheering in front of my house. Slightly confused, I looked over to find my husband and three kids cheering like I was coming down the home stretch of a race toward the finish line. My daughter was even holding an enlarged picture of my head that was stored in the back of my closet. (An awesome friend made it for cheering purposes at an actual race.)  

…even the cat made it outside to cheer.

It was ridiculous, hilarious, and made my day.

The perfect reminder that the running community is still present. Even if your runs currently feel like the last cookie of the batch. You know the ones where the chocolate chips are obscured mostly by the batter. The bite you find the chocolate chip makes you appreciate the sweetness even more.

Be creative and find the fun in your runs or be the fun (or the chocolate chips) in someone else’s run.

My family truly made that a FunRunDay!